If you want to make something that sounds like a fancy Italian dish without requiring effort or skill, why not try this caramelised shallot and spinach frittata?
This is a nice light lunch that's very quick to prepare and full of healthy goodness. And cheese. It's basically an omelette that you put under the grill rather than flipping in the pan.
I've done this recipe to feed one person, but if you have friends and they sometimes join you for food you could make a bigger one and cut it into slices. You could also experiment with different types of cheese.
- 3 medium sized free-range eggs
- 1 garlic clove (bring it)
- 3 shallots
- Handful of grated cheddar
- Big handful of spinach leaves
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1) Get the grill hot and heat up a small frying pan on the worktop. While you're waiting for it to heat up, peel your shallots and garlic cloves and slice them finely, then peel and slice your garlic clove (smash it first with your palm heel Matrix-style as this will make it easier to peel).
2) Cook the shallots in the olive oil on a medium heat for a few minutes until they caramelise and season them with salt and pepper. If you prefer a sharper taste to contrast with the cheese, give them a bit less cooking and don't let them brown. Meanwhile, lightly beat your eggs.

4) Turn the ring off immediately and add your egg mixture. Don't stir it, but tilt the pan a bit so that it's nicely covered, then add your cheese and stick it under the grill until it goes golden brown.
5) Now for the fun bit: when your frittata is ready, take it out from under the grill and put a large plate on top of the pan. Hold the plate firmly in place and quickly flip it over, then put another plate on top of the first one and repeat the process. As you can see from the picture, I moved so fast I was a blur. This is the easiest way to get the frittata out in one piece.
I've incorporated one last picture so you can see how the frittata should look on the inside. Buon appetito!